This option is suitable for smaller entities for occasional manual screening of international sanctions.
Best suitable for mid-sized companies.
Best option for to validate international sanctions for corporates.
Check international sanctions whenever needed. Integrates into CRM and other systems.
Onte-time Czech or foreign subject verification, including detailed certificate (PEPs etc.).
Monitoring of whole subject verification history on a daily basis. E-mail notifications for new risks found.
Employee training 1.5 - 3h.
Mass subjects verificaton including certificates.
The Datlab Sanctions service provides validates, whether there arent international sanctions applied to a company.You can learn more in this article. It is based on a combination of data from public and non-public registers with supplementary calculations by the operator (such as identifying common Russian names of executives, searching for inaccurate matches with sanctioned individuals, etc.).
Datlab Sanctions checks information about individuals in statutory and supervisory bodies, including historical ones, in more than 25 different sanction lists. In the service, it is possible to download a certificate for successfully verified entities as well as confirmation of detected risk. The service provides an API for integration into the client's internal systems.